Board of Governors


Manager, dormakaba

Erin has been in the Door & Hardware industry for 30 years mostly in distribution.  She has done everything from take-offs to purchasing to project management. Over 7 years ago, she moved to the manufacturing side. As an Architectural Consultant and Specifier, she worked with architects to develop specifications that meet the requirements of the owner, building use, and code requirements. She moved to the position of Specifications Manager responsible for developing specifications for all product offerings.  She is responsible for providing technical and building code information to meet the ever changing requirements.

She is currently the Influencer Education Manager delivering opening solutions education.  This involves educating on the proper product selection for every opening to provide a safe and secure environment.

During her 30 years in this industry, she has earned her AOC (Architectural Openings Consultant), CFDAI (Certified Fire Door Assembly Inspector), DHT (Door Hardware Technician), DHC (Door Hardware Consultant), CDT (Certified Document Technician) and CCPR (Certified Construction Product Representative) credentials.