Membership in DHI
Elevate Your Career
Join the largest community of door security + safety professionals in North America! The Door and Hardware Institute® (DHI) works to support our individual and corporate members through career-enhancing education, certification, networking, resources and advocacy.
DHI also provides companies with special corporate programs to support their business needs and the strategic evolution of the industry.
Member Services
We take great pride in serving our members and building the kind of relationships that best meet your needs. While you can conveniently buy membership online and learn more about the benefits of membership online, you may find a conversation would help you make the best decision for your needs. We welcome that conversation. Contact us at or call 202.367.1134 to talk more about joining DHI or making the most of your current member benefits.
Volunteer with DHI
Give back to the industry and network with your peers! DHI has many volunteer opportunities available throughout the year, tailored to your skill-set and ideal time commitment.
Gain Industry Recognition - DHI Awards
Many individuals give of themselves tirelessly to our organization and industry, so it is important that they be duly recognized and thanked for their efforts. Each year we honor individuals who have shown exemplary effort and dedication to our industry with several awards.